Three Often Experienced Clairs

I am going to share with you some information about what I consider the three most often experienced clairs and relate them to Spiritualism and mediumship. First, I guess I should tell you what I consider “clairs” to be.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines Clairsentience as:

perception of what is not normally perceptible”.

Well, to me, this definition fits all the “clairs”.

Some people believe there are six clairs, some believe there are seven, most talk of five. I believe there are many clairs, but that there are three that are most often experienced when communicating with Spirit.

One of the wonderful features of Spiritualism is the openness of interpretation of concepts and ideas for each individual.

When I discuss a concept or an idea, I am presenting my interpretation of it.

Spiritualism’s 3rd Principal states:

We believe in:

Communication, Guidance and Healing from Spirit and Angels

A good question to ask is, “How do Spirit and Angels communicate with us?” Clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience appear to me to be the most prevalent methods Spirit and Angels use.

My strong belief in this principal of Spiritualism is very deep. Spirit, in all Spirit’s love and wisdom, gave me communication, guidance and healing from a very young age. I believe everyone has had some form or forms of communication with Spirit and Angels but not everyone always recognizes or remembers it. I believe many people were told when they were young that it was childish play or just imaginary friends and not communication with Spirit or Angels. This discouraged them from continuing with communication with Spirit and Angels. I was very lucky not to have this happen. Open mindedness and acceptance are two wonderful tools when exploring clairs.

Knowing about the “clairs” can help to recognize Spirit and Angel communication. The three clairs I am going to discuss, clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience, are the three ways I believe are prevalent methods Spirit and Angels use.

There are two often discussed ways of experiencing clairs: objective and subjective. Objective is experiencing outside of oneself, externally, as though what is being seen or experienced is actually there, physically seen or heard. Subjective is experiencing inside oneself, internally, in the “mind’s eye”. Although subjective “clairs”, experiences in the “mind’s eye”, appear to be the most common, both are very valid ways of experiencing the clairs.

Clair actually originated from a French word meaning “clear”. It has been adopted by the Spiritual and psychic communities to be used as a prefix to words, usually words that describe senses, to indicate communication outside the normal realm of human communication.

The majority of the “clair” experiences we receive as Spiritualists are messages for others and are intended as gifts from Spirit and Angels for us to pass on to those others. We act as intermediaries, tools for Spirit and Angels to give comfort and guidance to those seeking or needing it. We are the messengers, not the message. We are mediums, the vessels who Spirit and Angels can access to

to give comfort and guidance.

Clairvoyance, clear seeing, is one of the most often experienced clairs. It is the seeing of images either subjectively, in the mind’s eye, or objectively, externally. You may see people, pictures, items, colors or even mini movies. Most times what we “see” is meant for others and in that case it is not up to us to interpret what we see, but up to the person we are seeing it for.

It is best just to describe what we receive, what we see, to the person we are seeing it for. A popular phrase for this is, “give what you get, not what you think”. A humming bird may mean something small and fast moving to you, but it could mean a very special shared moment to the person Spirit is intending the message for. Remember, we are the vessel, the communication tool, not the message.

Clairaudience is clear hearing. With clairaudience you can hear sounds, voices, or messages from Spirit and Angels in the “mind’s ear” or externally, from your ears. Sometimes they are just sounds, like a dog barking or a car revving its engine. Other times it can be words or sentences. Both should be relayed to the receiver, or sitter, as they are received. Let the sitter decide the significance. When it comes to Spiritualism, the medium is not the message.

Clairaudience can also be experienced at the same time as clairvoyance, helping to give a clearer message to convey. Conveying the whole message is important, both sounds, words, and images. A dog barking excitedly may mean a caution to some, but if the dog is barking excitedly at a front door it may mean a visitor or a door opening for someone.

Clairsentience, clear feeling, is the ability to feel or sense a message or part of a message. Some people call it empathy when a person can feel what others are feeling. However, clairsentience in Spiritualism is a means of passing on a message. You may feel a warm hug or a dull or sharp pain somewhere. Passing on this information may help a sitter or message receiver identify who the message is coming from or what the message is.

Clairsentience may also be experienced in conjunction with clairvoyance and or clairaudience. A dog barking excitedly may mean a caution to some, but if the dog is barking excitedly and feeling happy at a front door it may mean a very welcome visitor or a very positive door opening for a welcome advance for someone. Let the complete information be given for the sitter receiving the message.

There are times that the message receiver asks for help to understand the message, they may be confused or perplexed about it. We can suggest the sitter, message recipient, continue to think about the message or we may gently assist the receiver to come to some understanding of the message. We should do this by gentle questions about a sitters memories or feelings about the message passed on from the medium. The sitter should develop their own understanding of the message.

I feel everyone has had some form or forms of communication with Spirit and Angels. We need to let go of our normal, concrete world as we act as tools and vessels of Spirit and Angel communications. Many people believe that opening our “third eye” can help us increase our ability in these areas. I believe this as well.

You might like to meditate with the Sharing Spirit Third Eye Meditation. You can find it at the Sharing Spirit YouTube channel at:

You can also find it as a podcast at the Sharing Spirit podcasts platform at:

Three Often Experienced Clairs

I am going to share with you some information about what I consider the three most often experienced clairs and relate them to Spiritualism and mediumship. First, I guess I should tell you what I consider “clairs” to be.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines Clairsentience as:

perception of what is not normally perceptible”.

Well, to me, this definition fits all the “clairs”.

Some people believe there are six clairs, some believe there are seven, most talk of five. I believe there are many clairs, but that there are three that are most often experienced when communicating with Spirit.

One of the wonderful features of Spiritualism is the openness of interpretation of concepts and ideas for each individual.

When I discuss a concept or an idea, I am presenting my interpretation of it.

Spiritualism’s 3rd Principal states:

We believe in:

Communication, Guidance and Healing from Spirit and Angels

A good question to ask is, “How do Spirit and Angels communicate with us?” Clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience appear to me to be the most prevalent methods Spirit and Angels use.

My strong belief in this principal of Spiritualism is very deep. Spirit, in all Spirit’s love and wisdom, gave me communication, guidance and healing from a very young age. I believe everyone has had some form or forms of communication with Spirit and Angels but not everyone always recognizes or remembers it. I believe many people were told when they were young that it was childish play or just imaginary friends and not communication with Spirit or Angels. This discouraged them from continuing with communication with Spirit and Angels. I was very lucky not to have this happen. Open mindedness and acceptance are two wonderful tools when exploring clairs.

Knowing about the “clairs” can help to recognize Spirit and Angel communication. The three clairs I am going to discuss, clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience, are the three ways I believe are prevalent methods Spirit and Angels use.

There are two often discussed ways of experiencing clairs: objective and subjective. Objective is experiencing outside of oneself, externally, as though what is being seen or experienced is actually there, physically seen or heard. Subjective is experiencing inside oneself, internally, in the “mind’s eye”. Although subjective “clairs”, experiences in the “mind’s eye”, appear to be the most common, both are very valid ways of experiencing the clairs.

Clair actually originated from a French word meaning “clear”. It has been adopted by the Spiritual and psychic communities to be used as a prefix to words, usually words that describe senses, to indicate communication outside the normal realm of human communication.

The majority of the “clair” experiences we receive as Spiritualists are messages for others and are intended as gifts from Spirit and Angels for us to pass on to those others. We act as intermediaries, tools for Spirit and Angels to give comfort and guidance to those seeking or needing it. We are the messengers, not the message. We are mediums, the vessels who Spirit and Angels can access to

to give comfort and guidance.

Clairvoyance, clear seeing, is one of the most often experienced clairs. It is the seeing of images either subjectively, in the mind’s eye, or objectively, externally. You may see people, pictures, items, colors or even mini movies. Most times what we “see” is meant for others and in that case it is not up to us to interpret what we see, but up to the person we are seeing it for.

It is best just to describe what we receive, what we see, to the person we are seeing it for. A popular phrase for this is, “give what you get, not what you think”. A humming bird may mean something small and fast moving to you, but it could mean a very special shared moment to the person Spirit is intending the message for. Remember, we are the vessel, the communication tool, not the message.

Clairaudience is clear hearing. With clairaudience you can hear sounds, voices, or messages from Spirit and Angels in the “mind’s ear” or externally, from your ears. Sometimes they are just sounds, like a dog barking or a car revving its engine. Other times it can be words or sentences. Both should be relayed to the receiver, or sitter, as they are received. Let the sitter decide the significance. When it comes to Spiritualism, the medium is not the message.

Clairaudience can also be experienced at the same time as clairvoyance, helping to give a clearer message to convey. Conveying the whole message is important, both sounds, words, and images. A dog barking excitedly may mean a caution to some, but if the dog is barking excitedly at a front door it may mean a visitor or a door opening for someone.

Clairsentience, clear feeling, is the ability to feel or sense a message or part of a message. Some people call it empathy when a person can feel what others are feeling. However, clairsentience in Spiritualism is a means of passing on a message. You may feel a warm hug or a dull or sharp pain somewhere. Passing on this information may help a sitter or message receiver identify who the message is coming from or what the message is.

Clairsentience may also be experienced in conjunction with clairvoyance and or clairaudience. A dog barking excitedly may mean a caution to some, but if the dog is barking excitedly and feeling happy at a front door it may mean a very welcome visitor or a very positive door opening for a welcome advance for someone. Let the complete information be given for the sitter receiving the message.

There are times that the message receiver asks for help to understand the message, they may be confused or perplexed about it. We can suggest the sitter, message recipient, continue to think about the message or we may gently assist the receiver to come to some understanding of the message. We should do this by gentle questions about a sitters memories or feelings about the message passed on from the medium. The sitter should develop their own understanding of the message.

I feel everyone has had some form or forms of communication with Spirit and Angels. We need to let go of our normal, concrete world as we act as tools and vessels of Spirit and Angel communications. Many people believe that opening our “third eye” can help us increase our ability in these areas. I believe this as well.

You might like to meditate with the Sharing Spirit Third Eye Meditation. You can find it at the Sharing Spirit YouTube channel at: Sharing Spirit – YouTube

You can also find it as a podcast at the Sharing Spirit podcasts platform at:

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