ABC of Spiritualism 84 & 85/100

84. It is boldly asserted that Modern Spiritualism, despite its Professed communications with the Spirit Realm for the past seventy years, has really discovered nothing definite concerning Life after Death. Is this true?

A greater untruth could scarcely be uttered. It is admitted that communication with the Spirit Realm is still in a tentative and an experimental stage. It may be frankly confessed that there is yet much to learn about the conditions and laws that govern spirit return. There are, doubtless, many improvements to be made in our knowledge and methods of receiving and interpreting the vibratory messages of our Spirit friends. Yet certain great fundamental principles regarding the Future Life have been discovered and confirmed by the unanimous testimony of communicating spirits, so that there can be no rational doubt of their truth.

85. What, according to Spiritualism, is the relation between the present life and the life after death?

The life after death is simply a continuation, a sequel, of the life here. A man starts in the spirit life, mentally and morally where he left off here. There is no sudden transformation of character in death. A man’s future status depends upon his thought, sentiments and conduct here. In a large sense the future is a harvest from his earth life seed-sowing. This teaching is entirely novel and distinctly opposed to the conception of the After Life fostered and taught for centuries by the churches, that death changed us instantly into angels or demons.

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