Mindfulness Spiritual Quotes For Spiritualists #304

It’s better to heal the wound than to hold the hurt and wear the scar.Jodi Livon If you had body of a fish, water would feel like air to you. The universe looks different from different bodies. Don’t be so sure about what your particular body is showing you.Shunya We emphasize the difference between masculine and feminine. Thus, we seldom acknowledge that both are part of one essence of being.Steve Leasock

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Mindfulness Spiritual Quotes For Spiritualists #303

The more developed we are as a soul,the more love we radiate.The more love we radiate,the more life we live.Jodi Livon Jesus said, ‘blessed be the poor in spirit,’ realising that any limitation in life that can create a desire in the individual to rise superior to the limitation and free himself from it is good. He realised that need is the prophecy of fulfillment. He looked every need as soil prepared for a seed.Baird T. Spalding People speak for two reasons, One, they speak to express what is in…

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Mindfulness Spiritual Quotes For Spiritualists #301

You become free and fearless when you realize that all are equally clueless about life, be it old or young, rich or poor, king or servant, educated or uneducated…Shunya Enlightenment is a journey inward that leads to a spiritually divine way of approaching and experiencing the outer world. It is a way of travel more than a landing place.Jodi Livon Don’t let other people’s opinions guide and direct your life, opinions are like assholes, everybody’s got one and most of them stinkPaul Chek

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