ABC of Spiritualism 98 & 99/100

98. What is the most effective way of promoting pure Spiritualism?

Raise the standard of thought, life and character in the individual Spiritualist and bring our public services in their methods, ministry and mediumship up to the requirements of this age. Let Spiritualists everywhere study their Harmonial Philosophy and incarnate it in their lives. There is nothing so eloquent as a good life.

99. Should Spiritualists oppose and attack the churches?

No. On the contrary let them recognize the good the churches are doing in many ways. Spiritualists should not hesitate to learn from the experiences of the churches since churchmen have had many centuries of experience with organized religious work and must have learned some wisdom. Spiritualists should grant freely to others the same right of independent thought and judgment which they claim for themselves. A frank recognition of the truth taught and the good done by the churches impresses the public with its spirit of candor and justice, and makes the way open to a clear statement of the fallacies and falsities of Orthodox teaching.

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