ABC of Spiritualism 94 & 95/100

94. Why, if Spiritualism be true, are there such efforts made in all the cities to harrass and persecute Mediums?

No doubt the opposition to mediumship springs from a Variety of causes. Ignorance and church prejudice in many cases are inspiring causes. It must be frankly confessed, however, that the misconduct, fraud and trickery that have characterized much professed mediumship, especially of that traveling fraternity of fakers who steal the livery of Spiritualism to serve the devil of their own greed of unholy gain, has furnished the public a seemingly justifiable cause for opposition to Mediumship and Spiritualism. The civil authorities of the various cities have a hard task on hand in trying to protect unwary citizens from unprincipled charlatans and at the same time afford reason- able liberty to mediums who respect themselves and their mediumship and are honestly trying to instruct and benefit the people. Gradually, however, as the work of the National Spiritualist Association as a religious body becomes better known and appreciated, all workers identified therewith will receive fuller recognition of their rights and those charged with the making and enforcing of the laws will learn to distinguish between Spiritualism and Mediumship in a religious organization, and the irregular, irresponsible and unauthorized work of individuals who are using Spiritualism solely for money-making.

95. Is Spiritualism making progress in the churches?

The changed tone of pulpit teaching embracing as it does many of the distinctive features of Spiritualism; the conversion here and there of prominent ministers to Spiritualism (Rev. Norwood of Cronin Memorial Church, London, Ont., Rev. Robert Wynne, leading Baptist minister of London, England, and others); the vast numbers of church members found in the Seances; the popularity of recent Spiritualistic books among the clergy and laity; and many other “signs of the times” proves that the churches are saturated with the spirit and teachings of the Spiritualist religion.

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